YEAR 2014
The APCNA at the ACC 2014
The Keynote speaker: Dr. Eugene Braunwald.
Dr. Braunwald is the Distinguished Hersey Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and the founding Chairman of the Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction
(TIMI) Study Group at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Dr. Braunwald received his medical training at New York University and completed his Medical Residency at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He served as the first Chief of the Cardiology Branch and as Clinical Director of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, founding Chairman of the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego. From 1972 to 1996 he was Chairman of the Department of Medicine at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Dr. Braunwald has been a major force in cardiology in the past half century. He has been an editor of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine for 12 editions, and the founding editor of Heart Disease, now in its 9th Edition, the most influential textbooks in their fields
APCNA Winter Meeting 2014
We had a very fruitful trip to Pakistan in Dec’ 2014. The report details a series of successful events and initiatives undertaken by the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America (APCNA) in Pakistan during December 2014.
On December 21, 2014, the APCNA & Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi Institute of Cardiology Multan (CPEIC) Annual Winter Conference was held in Multan, Pakistan.
Due to a scheduling misunderstanding, the symposium did not take place as planned. However, APCNA faculty engaged in case discussions with local faculty and students. There are plans to reschedule the symposium for a future winter meeting to ensure its successful execution.
On December 22, 2014, APCNA held a one-day symposium at Allama Iqbal Medical College (AIMC) in Lahore, Pakistan.
The event was represented by Drs. Khurram Moin, Atique Mirza, Faryal Mirza, and Najeeb Rehman from APCNA. The symposium was inaugurated by Dr. Mahmood Shaukat, CEO and Principal of AIMC, and presided over by Drs. Sheheryar Sheikh and Saulat Siddiq. Local faculty, including Drs. Zubair Akram, Nadeem H. Malik, and Amber Malik, participated, with Dr. Arslan Masood organizing the meeting.
On December 23, 2014, APCNA launched its fourth implantation center for the Pakistan Pacemaker Bank at Shaikh Zayed Hospital in Lahore, Pakistan. The inauguration ceremony was a collaborative effort with Rotary and Heartbeat International. The first candidate patient for this bank was also identified on the same day, and the screening process began immediately. APCNA representatives Drs. Khurram Moin, Immad Sadiq, and Atique Mirza attended the event, which was well-received by the Shaikh Zayed Hospital team, demonstrating their commitment to the project.
On December 25, 2014, APCNA continued its efforts by inaugurating the third implantation center of the APCNA-Rotary-HBI Pacemaker Bank at Indus Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan.
This initiative aims to provide life-saving pacemakers to non- affording patients. The
collaborative work of APCNA with Rotary Club, Heartbeat International, and Indus Hospital came to fruition with the opening of this pacemaker bank. APCNA faculty also participated in challenging interventional cases alongside local faculty.
On December 26, 2014, APCNA, in collaboration with the Pakistan Cardiac Society and ACC, held a joint scientific session at CardioCon 2014 in Karachi, Pakistan.
The event featured a live case from the Cath Lab and various scientific sessions covering topics such as STEMI, interventional cardiology, and cardiovascular disease. Presentations were made by APCNA and local faculty, including Drs. Javaid Suleman, Khurram Moin, Azhar Masood Faruqi, Masood Hameed Khan, Hafeezullah, Nadeem Qamar, Syed Iqbal Rahmatullah, Syed Wamique Yusuf, and Khan Shah Zaman. The conference was well-organized under the leadership of Drs. Khalida Soomro, Azhar Faruqi, and Hafeezullah. These initiatives demonstrate APCNA’s commitment to improving cardiac care in Pakistan through collaboration, education, and the establishment of life-saving facilities.
YEAR 2013
The APCNA at the ACC 2013
The Keynote speaker: Dr. Greg Mishkel.
Dr. Mishkel is the Director of InterventionalCardiology, St. Mary’s Hospital, Decatur, IL and the Associate Professor of Medicine, Southern Illinois University, Springfield, IL. Dr. Mishkel completed his research fellowship with Dr. Jack Hirsh, at the McMaster University. He has been staff cardiologist at the Hamilton General Hospital. He finished Interventional Cardiology Fellowship at the Ottawa Heart Institute, University of Ottawa. He has been a clinical research fellow in Echocardiography with Dr. Harry Rakowski at the Toronto General Hospital, University of Toronto.
APCNA Winter Meeting in Karachi
APCNA had a very successful Winter Meeting and conducted various seminars, workshops and performed interventional procedures at multiple institutions in Pakistan in December 2013. The delegation consisted of Drs. Tanveer Rab, Javed Suleman, Naeem Khan, Salman Arain, Wamique Yusuf, Pervez Alvi, Hasan Ali and Wajid Baig. Our members as always donated dozens of Catheters, Stents etc. to the hospitals providing free care to the deserving patients all over Pakistan. Dr. Naeem Khan was also able to obtain pacemakers, which will be used at Lady Reading Hospital in Peshawar. APCNA leadership discussed joint endeavors to provide continuing educational opportunities for the post-graduate Cardiology fellows with Prof. Tariq Rafi, Vice-Chancellor Jinnah Sind Medical University (JSMU) and Prof. Masood Hameed, Vice-Chancellor Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS).
EKG Workshop: December 23rd. 2013
Wajid Baig MD conducted an Interactive EKG Workshop for about 40 Postgraduate Cardiology Fellows, Residents, Medical Students and some Faculty at Dow International Medical College (DIMC) at the Ojha Campus of Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS). There was enthusiastic participation from the attendees with the interactive format. A 40 page Handout was printed and distributed for the attendees. The Medical Director of Dow University Hospital and other administrators thanked APCNA for this and other training programs conducted by our members throughout the year.
PTV World Television Interview:
December 24th. 2013 Mr. Faisal Qureshi interviewed Dr. Javed Suleman and Dr. Wajid Baig, along with 2 other physicians from APPNA on his Television Program, “Perspectives”. This is a nightly Current Affairs program on PTV World Television.The program was broadcast on December 26th. At 9:30 pm.The Topic discussed was the State of Health Care in Pakistan, Contributions from Physicians visiting Pakistan
YEAR 2012
The APCNA at the ACC 2012
The Keynote speaker: Dr. David Wilbur.
David J. Wilber, MD is the George M. Eisenberg Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences, Department
of Medicine, Division of Cardiology Director, Cardiovascular Institute Division Director, Cardiology Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. He is also the Medical Director, Clinical Electrophysiology Loyola Univ Health System. The Annual Meeting was held in Chicago. The Keynote speaker was Dr. David Wilber. Dr. Syed Zubair was the Chairman.
APCNA Summer Meeting in Washington DC
The Annual APCNA summer meting was held in Washington DC at the APCNA Convention 2012. The keynote speaker was Dr. Arshad Quyyumi. The highlight of the meeting was the APCNA Heartwalk in collaboration with APPNA. The chief guest was world renowned Squash player, Jehangir Khan. APCNA’s heartwalk are held to promote healthy lifestyle and also to raise funds for the pacemaker project for the patients in Pakistan.
APCNA Representing ACC in Pakistan November 2012
APCNA members represented the ACC at the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan (CPSP). Drs. Tanveer Rab, Mushabbar Syed and Khusro Niazi attended this meeting, which was one of the largest medical meeting held in Pakistan.
APCNA Winter Meeting 2012 in Rawalpindi Islamabad
The Annual Winter meeting was held at the Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology (AFIC) in Islamabad. Dr. Arshad Rehan led the APCNA delegation to this meeting. Several lectures and Interventional workshops were conducted.
APCNA at the ACC 2013 in San Francisco
The Annual meting was held in San Francisco. The keynote speaker was Dr. Greg Mishkel. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali was the Chairman Host Committee of this meeting.
YEAR 2011
The APCNA at the ACC 2011

Professor of Medicine; Medical Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Barnes- Jewish Hospital; Medical Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Heart Care Institute; Director, Interventional Cardiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 1979 Ph.D. St. Louis University, 1983 M.D. at University of Connecticut, Farmington, CT. Postgraduate Education: as Intern and Resident, Department of Internal Medicine, Barnes- Jewish Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis , MO as fellow in Cardiology, Yale University School of Medicine, and Interventional Fellow at Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.
APCNA Heartwalk 2011with Jehangir Khan
The Annual Summer Meeting was held in Washington DC in conjunction with the APPNA Summer meeting. A very successful Heartwalk was organized at the Rosen Shingle resort. Jehangir Khan, the Squash Legend from Pakistan, led this Heartwalk. He was the motivation for dozens of physicians, their families and children, who joined us on this walk. Drs. Khurram Moin, Atique Mirza and Nadeem Afridi were key in making this a success.
APCNA supports Patient Education Publications
APCNA has partnered with Ahsas Informatics and Dr. Amin Baig in Pakistan to print hundreds of copies in Urdu to be distributed at Health Fairs and doctor’s offices in Pakistan. The topics covered so far include,CAD, Congestive heart Failure, Hyperlipidemia, Diet and Exercise and Hypertension. These books are written for the general public.
First Joint Session of Pakistan Cardiac Society and ACC
APCNA Winter Meeting in Peshawar
The 2011 Annual Winter meeting in Peshawar was a landmark occasion. This was the First Joint Session in Pakistan of The American College of Cardiology and the ACC-International Chapter in Pakistan. This joint session was held at the Biannual International Congress of the Pakistan Cardiac society organized by Prof. Mohammed Hafizullah. Dr. Mushabbar Syed led the APCNA delegation on behalf of ACC. Dr. Syed presented the Plenary Lecture on Cardiovascular imaging. Dr. Nadeem Afridi presented the latest developments in ultrasound techniques. The APCNA members were also treated to a memorable visit to the inner treasures of Peshawar City, Islamia College, Amankot and Kabul River.
YEAR 2010
The APCNA at the ACC 2010
Our Keynote speaker was Dr. John Douglas. Dr. Douglas is Professor of Medicine and Director of Interventional Cardiology and the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at Emory University Hospital. In 1980, Dr. Douglas was a member of the team that performed the first coronary angioplasty at
Emory University Hospital and in 1987 the first coronary stent in the United States. He was a partner of the late Andreas Gruentzig, the inventor of coronary angioplasty and participated in the development of current coronary angioplasty and stent techniques. He is a Fellow and prior member of the Board of Governors of the American College of Cardiology and Society for Cardiac Angiography and Intervention. Dr. Douglas presented a fascinating lecture on the state of Cardiac
Intervention in the world. He was part of the very first cardiac intervention ever performed in the world. A true pioneer in the field of cardiovascular medicine
APCNA Heartwalk at the Summer Meeting 2010
APCNA arranged a “Heart Walk” at the Annual summer meeting in Dallas on July 3rd. Dr. Arjumand Hashmi was the Chair of this meeting. The heart walk has become a very popular event at the APPNA annual meeting and is now held regularly to raise funds for the pacemaker Bank in Pakistan. The money is used to “Help hearts beat stronger in Pakistan”
APCNA Korangi Heart Study
APCNA members donated about $20,000 as seed money towards the Korangi Heart Study. Dr. Nadeem Afridi worked very hard on this project in conjunction with Indus Hospital and other International Organizations in this pilot project on prevalence of Non Communicable Diseases in Korangi, Landhi and Bin Qasim Towns, all suburbs of Karachi. Data has now started to be published on this very important topic in International peer reviewed journals.
APCNA Partners with University of Michigan
Dr. Wamique Yusuf, Chair of a joint University of Michigan-APCNA-Indus Hospital project to evaluate the feasibility of implanting refurbished ICD’s and PPM in patients. Dr. Thomas Crawford the Lead Investigator in this project made A ONE-DAY visit to join APCNA members in Pakistan. He visited Indus Hospital, implanted a pacemaker and confirmed that it is logistically possible to proceed on this International program. The project is being conducted under an IRB monitored group. This project requires various agencies in Pakistan and the FDA to allow the shipment and implantation of these devices at Indus hospital.
APCNA Winter Meeting 2010 in Lahore
APCNA held its annual winter conference in collaboration with Allama Iqbal Medical College (AIMC), and The Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC) on December 22nd & 23rd, in Lahore Pakistan. Chief Minister of Punjab, Mr. Shabaz Sharif was the chief guest for the inaugural ceremony. Dr. Nadeem Hayat Mallick and his team hosted interventional cardiology session
YEAR 2009
The APCNA at the ACC 2009
Dr. Hildner was the director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach Florida. Professor of Medicine at the University of Florida Miami School of Medicine. Chairman, Board of Regents of the American College of Chest Physicians. Past President of the Society of Cardiac Angiography and Interventions. SCAI established the Hildner Lecture in 2001 to honor Frank J. Hildner, MD, FSCAI. Dr. Hildner was the founding editor of SCAI’s official journal, now known as Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions (CCI).
Peripheral Vascular Workshop
Dr. Immad Sadiq and Dr. Salman Arain conducted a Cardiology Lecture series and a Peripheral Vascular workshop at Allama Iqbal Medical College/ Sheikh Zayed Hospital in Lahore. Drs. Mobeen Sheikh and Naeem Taherkheli joined the team in teaching sessions.
APCNA Lecture at the PMA House
December 19th. APCNA and the Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) organized a lecture series at the PMA House in Karachi. Dr. Samrina Hashmi and Prof. Khalida Soomro (DUHS) along with Prof. Shareef Chaudhry and Dr. Hasanat Shareef (AKU)
participated in this well attended meeting.
APCNA member Appointed by ACC International
The American College of Cardiology appointed Dr. Wajid Baig as a “Strategic Advisor” to the ACC-International Committee. Dr. Huon Gray (Southampton Univ.. UK), Chair of the committee, in his appointment letter appreciated his work. “In recognition of your leadership both nationally
and internationally and the personal value I place on your wisdom and advice. I would like to continue to solicit your input on specific strategic initiatives by having you serve in the capacity of a strategic advisor to the council”.
APCNA Advocacy Committee
Dr. Mohammad Haseeb, Chair of the Advocacy Committee spearheaded an effort to collect several thousand dollars from APCNA members to help the ACC in its efforts in Washington. APCNA Support for Internally Displaced persons. APCNA members raised several thousand dollars and donated the amount to Khyber Medical college to help them provide medical care for the Internally Displaced persons (IDP’s).
APCNA Summer Meeting in San Francisco
APCNA held its Annual Summer meeting in San Francisco. Prof. Jamil Tajik (Mayo Clinic) was our Keynote speaker. A screening booth was set up by APCNA so the APPNA members could be evaluated for their Cardiovascular Risks and educated in risk factor modification.
YEAR 2008
The APCNA at the ACC 2008
Robert O. Bonow, MD is the Goldberg Distinguished Professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, where he is vice chairman of the Department of Medicine and director of the Center for Cardiovascular Innovation. From 1992 to 2011, he served as chief of the Division of Cardiology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Dr. Bonow is past-President of the American Heart Association (2002-2003) and a Master of the American College of Cardiology (2008). He chaired the ACC/AHA Guidelines for Management of Patients with Valvular Heart Disease and the ACC/AHA Task Force on Performance Measures. He is a past member of the Board of Trustees of the American College of Cardiology.
APCNA Lecture at the PMA House
December 19th. APCNA and the Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) organized a lecture series at the PMA House in Karachi. Dr. Samrina Hashmi and Prof. Khalida Soomro (DUHS) along with Prof. Shareef Chaudhry and Dr. Hasanat Shareef (AKU) participated in this well attended meeting.
APCNA Leadership Invited to ACC Heart House
APCNA leadership was invited to the Headquarters of the American College of Cardiology in Washington. Drs. Naeem Khan, Javed Suleman, Rizwan Karatela, Arshad Rehan, Immad Sadiq and Wajid Baig represented the organization at the “Heart House”. Amongst many other issues, we discussed the active role being played by APCNA in the establishment of an International Chapter in Pakistan. This has since come to fruition.
APCNA Winter meeting, Karachi December 19-20
This two-day event was divided into didactic lecture series held in conjunction with the Pakistan Cardiac society at the Regent Plaza Hotel and the Interventional Cardiology Sessions at NICVD. Dr. Zahid Jamal and Dr. Shah Zaman were Co-Chair’s of this meeting. Drs. Javed Suleman, Immad Sadiq, Rizwan Karatela, Wajid Baig, and Wamique Yusuf presented didactic lectures. The Theme of the year was “Cardiology Update 2008”. Drs. Muhammad Ali Tahir and Mobeen Sheikh, Zia Moiz, Manzoor Tariq also joined the APCNA team in Karachi. APCNA members donated almost a million dollars worth of Cardiac Supplies to NICVD and DUHS.
ACC International Membership.
On behalf of the ACC, Dr. Wajid Baig at a special meeting of the Pakistan Cardiac society held at the Regent Plaza Hotel detailed the eligibility requirements for membership and encouraged all the Pakistani Cardiologists to apply. Since then APCNA members have sponsored many successfully to this “International Fellow of ACC” designation.
APCNA Interventional Workshops
Drs. Javed Suleman, Arshad Rehan and Salman Arain conducted interventional workshops at NICVD. A groundbreaking lecture was presented by Dr. Faisal Cheema (Columbia Univ. NY) on Robotic Surgery.
BLS Training Pilot project and Train the Trainer at PMA house
Dr. Nadeem Afridi conducted a pilot project on AVCLS/BLS Training in Abbottabad. This project was then expanded to other cities. APCNA organized a comprehensive “Train the Trainers” BLS-ACLS Training program at the PMA house in Karachi. APCNA has donated several thousands of dollars for training material and adult, baby and infant mannequins for this course. Since then, these original trainees have trained several hundreds physicians all over the country. Dr. Samrina Hashmi has continued this training program as a certified course under the co-sponsorship of PMA and
APCNA. More on this on page 48.
YEAR 2007
The APCNA at the ACC 2007

Dr. Fuster serves The Mount Sinai Medical Center as Director of Mount Sinai Heart, the Zena and Michael A. Wiener Cardiovascular Institute and the Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Center for Cardiovascular Health. He is the Richard Gorlin, MD/Heart Research Foundation Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Dr. Fuster was the President of Science and is now the General Director of the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) in Madrid, Spain. Among the seemingly countless positions of distinction that he holds are Past President of the American
Heart Association, Past President of the World Heart Federation, Member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. Twenty-six distinguished universities throughout the world have granted him Honorary Doctorate Degrees.
APCNA at the AHA Heartwalk 2007
Dr. Rizwan Karatela on behalf of APCNA arranged participation in the AHA Heart Walk in West Palm beach, FL. This event raised awareness about heart diseases and the participants raised funds for cardiovascular research.
APCNA Winter Meeting in Peshawar, Pakistan December 2007
The Annual Winter meeting was held in Peshawar. Professor Hafizullah and his colleagues hosted the meeting at Khyber Medical College & the Lady reading Hospital on December 17-18.
APCNA Lectures and Workshops
A Cardiology Core Curriculum lecture series and hands on training workshops on Nuclear Cardiology were conducted. Drs. Arshad Rehan and Javed Suleman conducted a workshop on the Intra-Vascular Ultrasound for intervention and the First Peripheral Vascular Intervention workshop at the Lady Reading Hospital. Lectures were conducted by Prof. Sultan Ahmed. Drs. Naeem Khan, Rizwan Karatela, Nadeem Afridi and Agha Waqar Haider.
The Donation of Cardiology supplies
Cardiology supplies worth half a million dollars were donated for the use of deserving patients in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. The APCNA members were treated to a visit to Balahisar Fort and traditional Peshawari hospitality by our hosts.
The Tribute to Dr. Nawab Khan at Khyber Medical College
In the evening there was a function to pay tribute to Dr. Nawab Khan. He dedicated his life for the welfare of patients all over the province. Also present was Senator Dr. Rehan. Both have since passed away and have left behind a legacy of selfless dedication for young physicians to emulate.
YEAR 2006
The APCNA at the ACC 2006

Dr. King served as Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory of Emory University Hospital from its inception through 2000 and was Director of Interventional Cardiology and the Andreas Greuntzig Cardiovascular Center at Emory University from 1985 until 2000. Dr. King was President of the American College of Cardiology (1998-1999), President of the Society
for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions (1990-1991) and served as Chair of the Interventional Cardiology Boards of the American Board of Internal Medicine (1997-2007).
The Annual Meeting was in Atlanta. The Keynote speaker was Dr. Spencer King III. Dr. Tanveer Rab was the Chair of this very successful meeting.
APCNA Invited by ACC in March 2006
APCNA was invited by the ACC to attend the Annual Meeting of Coalition of Cardiovascular Organizations (CCO). This Coalition is made up of organizations such as ASE, ASNC, HRS, etc. It was a singular honor for APCNA to be asked to attend this meeting.
APCNA to First Annual Leadership development April 2006
APCNA was invited to the First Annual Leadership development Symposium in Washington, DC. Drs. Javed Suleman, Nadeem Afridi, Wamique Yusuf and Wajid Baig represented APCNA at this meeting. We were able to promote our organization to leaders in cardiology from across the nation. They were quite impressed to hear that such a young organization was involved in very meaningful projects
APCNA winter meeting in Lahore, December 2006
The Annual winter meeting was held in Lahore. This was a two-day event. Didactic lectures and workshops, educational rounds were held at the Mayo Hospital & King Edward Medical College. The Interventional procedures were carried out at the Punjab Institute of Cardiology. This was the largest group of APCNA members attending a winter meeting. Prof. Bilal Zakariah Khan and Prof. Mansoor Hussain were our local hosts at the Mayo Hospital. Prof. Jawed Sajid Khan and his associates were our gracious hosts at the Interventional program..
YEAR 2006
The Second Summer Meeting of APCNA
APCNA held its second summer meeting in Houston, TX. It was held at the APPNA annual
convention and we were successful to increase our membership at the meeting.
The Second APCNA Winter Meeting
The Annual Winter meeting was organized at Armed Forces of Institute of Cardiology
(AFIC) and The Rawalpindi Medical College. Interventional procedures were performed
at AFIC. Lectures were held at RMC and Teaching rounds were conducted by Prof.
Sultan Ahmed, Drs. Wamique Yusuf, Rizwan Karatela and Wajid Baig at the Holy Family
Hospital in Rawalpindi
APCNA at the AFIC in Winter 2005
This was an outstanding meeting. The physicians at AFIC were very efficient and they were indeed gracious hosts. Javed Suleman and Tanveer Rab along with the Interventional Cardiologists at AFIC performed high risk interventions with live telecast from the cath lab. Didactic lectures were presented by Javed Suleman, Tanveer Rab, Irfan Shafique, Bashir Hanif and Wajid Baig.
Dr. Piracha (President APPNA 2006 and Founding member APCNA) was also present at the meeting. He emphasized that APCNA should arrange such programs regularly. The dinner evening held for the speakers was superb. The director general of Army Medical Core was the chief guest.
First ever TEE workshop in Pakistan
Postgraduate Cardiology trainees were given hands on experience at Dow Medical College
APCNA Pacemaker Bank in Pakistan
At the ACC Annual Meeting, we started the negotiations with Heartbeat International about establishing a pacemaker bank in Pakistan. Our team met with Wil Mick, President and Dr. B. Maniscalco the Chairman of Heartbeat International. Dr. Wajid Baig was appointed the Chair of the APCNA Pacemaker Bank Project. A meeting was held in Tampa, FL where the logistics and details of this joint venture with Heartbeat International were finalized.
Rotary Club of Karachi Karsaz was chosen as our partner in the Pacemaker Bank Project. Ovais Kohari from the Rotary Club was appointed the Chair of the project in Karachi. A memorandum of understanding was adopted and the work started on establishment of the pacemaker Bank. Our Colleagues Dr. Bashir Hanif from Tabba Heart Institute, Drs. Azam Shafqat and Zahid Jamal from NICVD volunteered to be the implanting physicians in Pakistan at no cost to the patients.
The second annual meeting and dinner program of APCNA was held in Orlando at the ACC Annual Session. About 40 – 45 colleagues attended the program. This year again Prof. Dr. Shahbudin Rahimtoola and Prof. Dr. A. Jamil Tajik were there in support of APCNA. Both emphasized on the importance of solidifying the membership base of APCNA. Dr. A. Rasheed Piracha, President Elect, APPNA, extended his full support. Prof Dr. Samad, Past President of Pakistan Cardiac Society appreciated APCNA’s work. Eminent researcher and fellow cardiologist at Mayo Clinic, Dr. Arshad Jehangiralso attended the program.
Dr. Javed Suleman presented the presidential report and appreciated the efforts of the last cabinet including Dr. Rizwan Karatela and Dr. Amin Karim in helping to organize APCNA at the ground level. Dr. Arjumand Hashmi responded to the important questions raised by our younger participants. Dr. Syed Fazal Rahman, Chair of last December Pakistan program presented his report. Dr. Zia Moiz Ahmed was assigned to chair the APCNA summer meeting in Houston at the APPNA summer meeting. For the excellent work for membership drive, Dr. Naushad Mohydin and Dr. S. Nayyer Shamsi, were recognized.
Our respected colleague, Prof. Dr. S. Sultan Ahmed moderated the event with Dr. Mirza Wajid Baig as co-moderator. The secretary of APCNA, Dr. Rizwan Karatela, chaired the General Body session and invited nominations from the floor for different cabinet posts for 2005. The following members were elected to the office:
1. Dr. Javed Suleman, President
2. Dr. Mirza Wajid Baig, President Elect, 2005
3. Dr. Syed Wamique Yousuf, Secretary, 2005
4. Dr. Mujeeb Jan, Treasurer, 2005.
Meeting concluded with the renewed motivation to increase the membership base and to organize future meetings in USA and in Pakistan positive contribution in education and cardiovascular healthcarein Pakistan.
Javed Suleman, MD, FACC
President, APCNA
YEAR 2004
The First Summer Meeting of APCNA
APCNA held its first summer meeting on June 12th 2004 in Washington DC. The Constitution
& Bylaws of APCNA was presented by Prof. S. Sultan Ahmed, Chairman CABL Committee,
and it was unanimously approved and adopted by the General Body. Committee chairs were
announced including Drs. Naushad Mohydin and Syed N. H. Shamsi as Chair and Co-Chair of
the membership committee.
The First APCNA Winter Meeting
First Annual Winter Meeting was held in Karachi. This was hosted by NICVD. Lectures
and workshops were also held at Dow Medical College.
APCNA Meeting 2021
APCNA had a great annual luncheon meeting during APPNA convention at Rosen Shinglecreek Resort in Orlando, FL on 7/3/21. Fortunately we had an exceptional speaker Dr Ziad Ali from St Francis hospital/heart center and DeMatteis CV institute, Roslyn, NY who spoke about “ Innovation in interventional cardiology-A physicians journey. Earlier in the day during APPNA CME, we had our annual Shahbudin Rahimtoola Memorial CV symposium comprised of some phenomenal lectures. This was our first face to face interaction since COVID-19 pandemic started. This year we are planning to have a follow up APCNA meeting during APPNA fall convention on Saturday 10/23/21. Hope to see you all there.
Best regards,
Khurram Moin
Executive Director, APCNA

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APCNA Winter Meeting 2019
The APCNA Winter Meeting 2019 was a very productive and successful meeting held in Peshawar, Pakistan. The details and updates from this meeting can be viewed in the e-newsletter of Spring 2020. (Click here to view)
APCNA Heart failure Meeting in Peshawar 2019
APCNA is a non-profit, professional, educational organization incorporated in the United States.
To foster scientific development and education in fields related to the circulatory system for the purpose of improving the quality of medicine and delivery of better health care, without regard to race, color, creed, gender or age.